

At the head of every great sales team is a great sales manager. Not only do they contribute directly to the success of a company through their sales expertise, they also act as role models and coaches.
Strategists TQL Sales Managers leverage their teams' strengths and their industry knowledge to bring our company-wide goals and visions to fruition.
Mentors Growing and leading a team of dedicated sales representatives is one of the most important aspects of sales management. New sales representatives depend on the coaching of their manager to be successful.
Motivators Our sales managers are the embodiment of TQL's "No Limits, No Excuses" philosophy. They encourage their team to bring their best game every single day.
Industry Experts TQL is built on exceeding expectations and providing unparalelled customer service. Our sales managers are the best in the business when it comes to handling unexpected logistics complications and keeping customer freight moving.
What makes a great sales manager? That's a good question. There's no one definitive way to manage a sales team. At TQL, we've had successful sales managers who all use different styles of management. There are a few specific traits, though, that our best managers have in common.

Sales Experience

Both new and established sales representatives look to their managers for advice on prospecting, closing, and growing their accounts. Sales managers can tap into their own experience to help their team succeed.  


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Sales teams are fast-moving, ever-changing environments, and are best managed by skilled leaders who have honed their skills in time management, delegation, and nurturing potential.


Sales managers act as the communication conduit between senior leadership and the sales floor. When the lines of communication run smooth, both the company and the sales team benefit. 


Great sales managers understand that when it comes to their teams' performance the buck stops with them. By modeling accountability, they are also helping their teams learn to thrive in a goal-driven environment.


If you're interested in a career in sales leadership but don't have the experience to jump straight into management, TQL's Fast Track Entry Level Sales Program is an excellent place to start. Our Fast Track representatives receive sales training, leadership training and specialized mentorship to prepare them to be the future of TQL.